Domestic air source heating London & Kent

With ever increasing energy bills within our households, we are all trying to cut costs somewhere, so why not invest (via the governments renewable heat incentive scheme) in air source heating. It captures the warmth of the outside ambient air adding heat (heat of compression) by transferring the heat to water through a reverse cycle heat pumped condenser and heat exchanger.

Domestic Air Source Heating

They can provide heat for your under floor heating, radiators along with giving you … degrees of hot running water. Even in sub zero temperatures there is enough heat within the air to use and transfer into warmer more cost effective heating, lowering your carbon emissions and saving you money. Not forgetting the environmental benefits.

Contact us today..

Is your property suitable?

With a simple call to one of our team and by arranging a free site visit, we will be able to determine whether this kind of application can work for you and advise you of any issues you may encounter. Although most, but not all buildings are suited to this kind of system we have the expertise and knowledge to design the right system for you.

New Build AC

In most cases, air source heating is definitely the way forward within the construction of the new builds. It can be installed hassle free, adding value to the property, and providing a luxurious warmth to the space within. Warming the rooms through the floor, whether it be carpeted or tiled it is the perfect way to heat your property.

Call today for a free quotation on 07812 007 142